Healthcare research shows that the most successful organizations create an organizational culture that fosters creativity, innovation, and transformational leadership. A strong case can be made that effective strategic planning depends on leaders’ commitment to create an organizational culture that supports change management. An essential strategic planning technique for the healthcare industry includes a framework that emphasizes the importance of positioning the healthcare organization relative to its environment to achieve its objectives and ensure its survival. The strategic planning process begins with an analysis of the external environment and organizational factors critical to strategic planning and a SWOT Analysis focusing on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing healthcare organizations and their importance in developing strategic plans.
Dr. Jeffrey Harrison has practical and theoretical experience in assisting companies to develop a strategic plan that will move them forward in the healthcare industry. His book, Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare is a blueprint for this process.
The following articles and presentations relate specifically to value based care initiatives.
Harrison, Jeffrey P. Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare. (2010). Health Administration Press, Chicago, Illinois. ISBN: 978-1-56793-348-2.
Aaron Spaulding, Debra A. Harrison, and Harrison, Jeffrey P. “Palliative Care: A Partnership across the Continuum of Care”, The Health Care Manager. HCM Issue 35:3 (July-September 2016).
Harrison, Jeffrey P., and Ferguson, Emily D. “The Crisis in United States Hospital Emergency Services” International Journal of Healthcare Quality Assurance, 24(6):471-483, 2011.
Harrison, Jeffrey P., Lambiase, Louis and Mei Zhao. “Organizational Factors Associated with Quality of Care in US Teaching Hospitals” Journal of Health Care Finance. 36(3): 1-12, 2010.
Harrison, Jeffrey P., and Curran, Lorrie. “The Hospitalist Model: Does it Enhance Healthcare Quality?” The Journal of Health Care Finance. 35(3) 22-34, 2009.
Individualized Medicine: The Future of Healthcare, Genomics and Stem Cell Research, Harrison, J., Zhao, M. and Carranza, M., 21st International Conference of the Society for Design and Process Science, Orlando FL. December 5, 2016.
GIS and Wireless Technology: The Positive Impact on Healthcare Quality, Harrison, J. and Harrison D., World Congress on GIS & Remote Sensing, New Orleans, Louisiana. August 01, 2016.
Keynote Address: Personalized Healthcare: From Research to Practice Harrison, J. International Conference on Hospice and Palliative Care, Orlando, Florida. August 31, 2015.